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Make Fitness Your Lifestyle

Begin a healthy lifestyle today with Fit Over 40 Orlando. Train with an instructor incorporating an exercise program that’s perfectly tailored for you.

Aging introduces significant challenges to one’s physical appearance, mindset, and performance. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or seasoned trainee, Fit Over 40 Orlando can design a program to maximize your fitness potential.

Effective Training Program

Fit Over 40 Orlando combines the various elements of a successful fitness plan:

Health-Related Fitness Components

Muscular Strength and EnduranceCardiovascular EnduranceFlexibility Body Composition

Skill-Related Fitness Components


Under seasoned fitness trainers, you will be guided step-by-step on proper exercise form, you’ll learn how to incorporate cardiovascular conditioning to enhance fat loss, and avoid the common exercise-related affliction of over-training.

Training package length is specific to individual client needs. Session rates vary depending on length of training package. The Initial FREE consultation is a complimentary one-on-one meeting to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. This information is used to develop the most beneficial workout program to match your specific goals. We also offer group rate specials.

Why You Need to Exercise

Research has shown that getting regular exercise and maintaining a proper diet will help you avoid or improve poor health conditions, such as: 

  • Obesity

  • High Cholesterol

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Osteoporosis

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Diabetes

Other Benefits of Regular Exercise

Along with helping you avoid a myriad of illnesses, exercise aids the body in: 

  • Burning Fat

  • Building Muscle

  • Strengthening Bones

  • Stimulating Circulation

  • Improving Joint Mobility

  • Increasing Flexibility

  • Affecting One’s Outlook in Life as We Age

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